Virtual Academy Site V1 - Online Course System

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Admin Panel Login Information

Username: admin@admin.com

Password: 1234

(One Time)

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Server Requirements
Php: 7.2

Admin Panel Login Information
Username: admin@admin.com
Password: 1234

Instructor Panel Login Information
Username: egitmen@egitmen.com
Password: 1234

Student Panel Login Information
Username: ogrenci@ogrenci.com
Password: 1234

Mobile Compatible and Responsive Design
It offers a perfect view on your tablets and phones. You can also personalize your design with unlimited color options.

Advanced Administration Panel
You can easily manage all areas on the site, so you have full control.

Unlimited Page Editing
You can add and edit pages and freely adjust title, keyword and description settings.

Unlimited Course Management
You can add and edit courses and customize title, keyword and description settings.

Unlimited Course Content
You can add and edit courses and customize title, keyword and description settings.

Ability to Add Unlimited Tests and Questions
You can create and edit tests, questions, and quizzes and customize title, keyword, and description settings.

Unlimited Course Categories
You can add and edit course categories and customize title, keyword and description settings.

Unlimited Blog Content
You can add and edit blog posts and customize title, keyword and description settings.

Unlimited Trainers
You can add and edit instructors and customize title, keyword and description settings.

Student Management
You can add, edit and delete students. You can also facilitate communication with the messaging system between members.

Reporting System
You can monitor and manage your system with various reports.

Iyzuco Virtual Pos Module
You can easily manage your payment transactions.

Video Upload Feature
Freedom to upload lecture videos via YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive or your own server.

Multi-Language Support
With new generation multi-language support, you can present content in different languages.

Company Information and SEO Settings
You can easily edit the site title, keywords and site descriptions from the admin panel. In addition, the opportunity to get indexed quickly on Google with the SEO-friendly SEF SEO link structure.

Social media management
You can easily manage your social media links.

Cookie Policy
You respect user privacy with the cookie policy system.

Facebook Login
You can allow users to log in with their Facebook accounts.

And Many More Features
You can implement your online course projects with the Virtual Academy Site.
